The school year has come to an end. It's a year, where there were times I love and hated school. I'm not going to say it was easy, because it never was. Secondary Three is a huge jump from Secondary Two. There are no more systems where you are only tested on what you learn for that semester. Honestly, upper secondary school life is no joke, and basically, you have no life. But then again, it's how you live it, to make life. Despite busy schedules, there's always time for a little fun, even in school. "School's tough, but you're tougher."
This year, I've seen through many people, especially you.
I'm going to miss every little bit of Secondary Three, that I don't know how much I'm going to miss when I leave everyone, and everything.
- My bimbotic, yet not bimbotic class, secondary 3.6 (:
- My BEST friend, although I know she will still be here with me (: and the ways we studied for Biology, were simply hilarious shit. Instead of studying, we were pretending to be jailbirds who refused to be exposed so we wore paper bags to cover our faces, and all that camera whoring! With the following picture done by Caroline:

- My oh-so-dear Childhood playmate, and then Council Head, and now, a really good dramatic friend :D

- Aha, and of course, of course, of course, The Executive Council! Meetings after meetings after meetings, planning after planning after planning, and then leading to successful school events :D

- My Mid-Year Exam Study mates, Amanda and Elizabeth.

- And the fool who played a prank on me online, Natalie Koh.

- And Audrey Liaw, uh, or is it Paul Twohill huh? I haven't gotten those pictures I had with her on the bus to Yishun SAFRA.
- And the food family, the never-ending eating.

Gosh, I wish I can show anyone my diary, all my pictures are in there.
More coming up.
Childhood Lovers;
Before we know it, we're sitting in Secondary 4.6.
Before we know it, we're in the hairdressers', manicures' and boutiques preparing for Graduation Night.
Before we know it, we're in the hall taking our O'Levels.
Before we know it, we are going to the Juniour College, or Polytechnic of our dreams.
Before we know it, we're moving on to university.
Before we know it, we're dating the man of our dreams.
Before we know it, we're on the entertainment industry, or the clinic, or the hospital, or the bank, or the parliament, or designing clothes, or the court, or teaching. Hopefully, not in jail.
Before we know it, we have a stable finance support, all ready to support our parents.
Before we know it, we're walking down the aisle about to commit something for a lifetime.
Before we know it, we're in the hospital, giving birth, to our first child, or twins, or triplets, or maybe more.
Before we know it, we're bringing up kids, sending them to nursery, kindergarten, primary, secondary, juniour college, and university.
Before you know it, we'd be feeling the way your parents did 25 years ago.
Before you know it, we'd be retiring to be full-time grandparents.
Before you know it, you'd be in front of Him, both sorry for the bad you've done, but grateful for His forgivness, love, and grace.
How great is life! I love life. Who cares about our parents' nagging if we didn't take it the hard way and learn from the mistakes we make when they are there trying to correct us? Who cares about the disputes we have with friends, classmates, teachers, and parents, as long as we realise we were part of the mistake? Who cares about saying goodbye, when you know you'll meet up and have Starbucks, or Subway, or whatever in the years to come? Who cares if we lived in other side of the world when we know we'd stay as friends, give each other calls, messages, postcards, letters, email? Mm. Now, you think, imagine, recall all the times you have spent with each other, laugh a little, cry a little. But do remember them, they're important.
Oh gosh, how emo.
Childhood Lovers;
I need to shop, I need to shop, I need to shop. Honestly, I haven't taken my post-exam break. I haven't gone shopping, haven't had much fun. On top of that, it's Friday, and Marking Day, and I had to go back to school for council meetings. Moving on to this evening, I have tuition. It would be fun, I guess, but not my kind of relax, shop, kind of fun. Anyway, I might be going out on Tuesday, well, you could at least say "Finally." I don't think I might be spending much money, except for a couple of accessories I might want. Firstly, because I don't think I'll have that much money, but good news is, i might be able to save about 30 dollars over the weekends teaching my brothers. Anyway, made a list of what I'm going to hunt for, and perhaps, get it if I can afford it.
01. A Sporty Bag, Nike. I might have to save up for this, unless I do well for End-Year, or at least show improvement.
02. A Jacket, Nike. This green jacket I saw in City Hall, or maybe the pink one my mother
wants to get me. This would be pretty to convince, heh.
03. A top, something like what Ashley Tisdale wore for the Dance-along.
04. Sunglasses! I saw a really nice pair in Roxy, which costs a freaking 169 bucks. So I can just dream about that pair. This might be easy to convince, considering the number of times I've actually asked for Sunglasses.
05. Nike Aqua Shoes are love too! My dad promised to get me one since I always need it for this camp and that camp, and plus, it's just 72 dollars. This is pretty easy to convince too.
06. A belt. My current belts are really girly. You know, like the ribbon kind, and my mom bought me some sophisticated kind, which is pink. I think my mom likes buying pink stuff for me.
07. Honestly, I want a pair of sneakers. But my dad gets so fussy about it, I choose to stick to my current ones.
08. I want some new tops, I'll just just go check it out!
I kinda hope my mother would take leave on Tuesday, but chances are really low. Considering we'll be away for a month, for a holiday, where we'll do more shopping, oh my! I rather not have her take leave on Tuesday! Well, I hope she brings me out during the weekends. But maybe I'll just stay home tp teach my brothers if they're not going. I get money. HAHA.
Oh gosh, Shopping is Love.
Childhood Lovers;
A NEW ENTRY! YES, it's a new entry. I'm updating for the first time in 2 and a half weeks, consider that fortunate. I didn't really plan to update til I get my results. Exam week has been a real spin. I get stressed right before the paper, even if I know I have studied. But I don't get stressed if nothing gets into my head. With the exception for A Math, for that, I was rather stressed, because as I did Past Year Papers, FYS, and other school's papers, I couldn't solve anything. This is a long entry, Enjoy, and don't get bored like you do in Weelyn's blog. HAHA.
Monday, October 2I think my English composition was alright, but I had no inspiration to write. But no, I didn't exactly write a stereotype kind of story, I wrote a very emotional story. I mean, it was on how jealousy caused some argument, or something like that. I almost screwed up English Paper 2, if I didn't found out that English Paper 1 and Paper 2 were on the same day. While Chinese Paper 1 and 2 the day after. I manage to get a little practice. English Paper 2's passages were funny. I was like, "HAHA, this is like telling me, "Oh Anne, don't bother to lose weight to look good, it doesn't matter, because what matters in inner beauty!"" And Passage 2 made me TSK, because they said that being slim is like a billboard saying that one is healthy and is fertile, and will be able to pass down his genes. I was like TSK! Oh my gosh, funny shit. Questions were quite straightforward, but I'm rather cranky about comprehension, so I'm kind of insecure.
Tuesday, October 3Chinese was a total disaster. Not that I was expecting that I would do okay, but because I tried to do well, I translated about one quarter of the cloze passage to English. Til I reached the first question, I was like, ERRRRRR? And I just copied huge chunks from the passage to answer the questions. Tsk.
Wednesday, October 4Social Studies almost drove me nuts. I read Chapters 3, 5, and a little here and there over and over again. It so happened that the question I did, took Part A from Chapter 5 and Part B from Chapter 6. I had to recall lessons, and use common sense for Part B, because I didn't exactly revise on it. E Math Paper was alright. I hope I did fine for both Social Studies and E Math, I should be able to pass, or maybe not. We'll see.
Thursday, October 5Literature was, should I say screwed or should I say screwed? That doesn't leave me with much choice, does it? Mm, I think I made sense, but I don't know whether I angled my answers the right way to answer the question.
Friday, October 6E Math Paper 2 was D-E-P-R-E-S-S-I-N-G. I forgot to do the last question! I lost at least 25 marks, which means, I might have to say Goodbye to A1 if my paper 1 doesn't pull me out. It was depressing, I cried. Seriously, the paper was relatively alright, more challenging than Paper 1, but I could still have scored! I mean, I didn't get to do the last question. It kinda made me hate myself for a few minutes. And it didn't get any better soon after. But the Biology Paper kind of cracked me up. I don't think I'll pass. HAHA. I guessed about 80% of it. Within a few minutes into the paper, I saw Weelyn's head down on the table. HAHAHA. She was already sleeping! At first I thought she was just tired, but she slept till the last 20 minutes, and did some work. And I giggled to myself thinking that she overslept. But nooo, she didn't know how to do. Not like I'm any better. At least she was smart enough not to waste pen ink. Mdm Sim humiliated me into the next century.
Mdm Sim: At least for this paper I don't see anyone crying, like just now.
Them: {Heads begin to turn}
Anne: UGHHH.
Monday, October 9I was glad I could do Part A of the Structured Essay. But I only wrote assertion for Part B, firstly because I didn't understand the question, and I don't remember revising points for that. Well, at least I get a mark for assertion. I might actually be able to pass History this time round. I think I did better this time than MYE.
Tuesday, October 10Combine Science Papers were so BAD, NASTY and EVIL. I could barely do anything! So difficult la please! And I memorise quite a fair bit, and most of it didn't come out. SCREWWWW.
TodayAHH, Shoot me. I think I just lost my A1. I hope I don't lose more than that. And Mdm Sim humiliated me again. So annoying please.
ANNE: {thinking} Oh shit, I forgot to put this page into my answer script. DIE. {raises up hand}
Teacher: {approaches me} Yes?
ANNE: I forgot to put this in. Can I put in?
Mdm Sim: Yes ANNE? You forgot to put in right?
ANNE: {Stares and nods}
Mdm Sim: Girls, check that you have handed in the correct papers. I already have one case here...
URGH. Does she have to do that?Back to the paper, it was rather disappointing actually, to think so many people helped me with my A Math. At least 4 la! Tsk. Spent most of yesterday, mugging like crazy. I have a friend who reminds me to sleep, yes, it was that bad. I'll be damn disappointed if I don't do well. Oh well, more to say, but ah, I'm just going to keep it in my diary. It'll remain there. AHA, suspense.
Okay, BYE, off to mug for MCQ. Lame paper.
Childhood Lovers;